Today’s Top Stories
1. As tensions rise over North Korea’s nuclear missiles program, what does the escalation mean for Israel? Among other things, greater interest in Israel’s missile defense technology.
Does Japan need an Israeli Arrow 3 interceptor missile?
You can be sure Israel, Iran and other Arab states will carefully watch how events unfold.
An Arrow 3 test launch in December, 2015
2. A new Israeli policy allows East Jerusalemites permits to visit Gaza if they are in a position to help ease the humanitarian situation in the Strip.
The new East Jerusalem policy is intended mostly for businesspeople and physicians who can contribute to Gaza’s economic development and the improvement of its civilian infrastructure.
3. The US wants to beef up UNIFIL’s mandate in Southern Lebanon. Specifically, US Ambassador Nikki Haley wants the UN peacekeepers to report on Hezbollah violations of bringing arms and military infrastructure near the Israeli border.
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4. HR Prompts Telegraph to Change Temple Mount “Palestine” Photo: The Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock are located in Jerusalem, where Israel is sovereign.
5. HR Fixes Double Trouble at the IBT: Two Israeli policemen weren’t murdered after Israel installed metal detectors outside the Temple Mount.
Israel and the Palestinians
• Israeli aircraft struck a pair of Hamas bases in Gaza in retaliation for a rocket fired from the Strip which landed in an open area near Ashkelon. Times of Israel coverage.
• Haaretz: Israel held secret talks with US and Russian officials over the Syrian ceasefire, and then Jerusalem was shocked when the announced ceasefire’s terms “contradicted virtually all the positions Israel had presented” regarding the presence of Iranian and Hezbollah forces in Syria:
If the Iranians do not leave Syria, Israel warned, according to the official, the country will become a base for missiles that will threaten Israel and Jordan, like the situation in Lebanon and Gaza. Iranian presence in Syria could also change the balance in Syria between Shi’ites and Sunnis and undermine the stability of nearby Sunni states, Israel further warned.
• Oops: The African state of Cape Verde denied it will start backing Israel at the UN.
• Abbas issues new demands of Israel, but quietly continues arresting terror suspects.
• According to AFP, five Palestinian journalists have been arrested by PA security forces in recent days.
• UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to visit Israel and the West Bank later this month.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
Around the World
• Swedish police are investigating an anti-Israel protest for anti-Semitism. The JTA picked up on The Local-Sweden‘s coverage.
• Nice to see Gretchen Hammond land on her feet at Tablet after she was removed from her reporting duties at the Windy City Times in June. It was Hammond to broke the story of three women who were kicked out of Chicago’s Dyke March for bringing gay pride flags featuring Jewish stars.
• Gotta like the way Shahak Shapira fought back against Twitter’s lack of response to disgusting anti-Semitic, racist, misogynistic and homophobic tweets. He stenciled the worst ones outside Twitter’s Hamburg office. More on the story and his video at Deutsche Welle.
• Australian Jewish activist Mark Leibler responds to journalist John Lyons.
• Here’s what else I’m reading today . . .
– Yehudah Mirsky: To secure peace, Palestinians must accept Jewish history
– Annika Hernroth-Rothstein: Petty in pink
– Ariel Bolstein: Al Jazeera is a weapon
– Dr. Jasser Al-Harbash: The sight of an imprisoned ex-PM illustrates superiority of Israel’s justice system over the Arabs’
– Khaled Abu Toameh: The Palestinian ‘creativity for hate’
– Yossi Kuperwasser: For peace, Palestinians must change their narrative
– Denis MacEoin: An open letter to Omar al-Abed
– Pinhas Inbari: Who are the Palestinians?
– Dr. Yaron Friedman: Once ISIS is eliminated, Hezbollah will take its place
– Maher Gabra: Imam who called for annihilation of all Jews is in fact routine
– Naftali Bennett: Iran is using Syria to advance toward the Mediterranean (click via Twitter)
Featured image: CC BY Pedro Ribeiro Simes;; Arrow-3 via US Dept. of Defense; Guterres CC BY-NC-ND UN Geneva;
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Original article can be viewed at What Do North Korean Tensions Mean for Israel? on HonestReporting.
This post first appeared on - EN. Read the original article.