Abbas sends telegram to leader of North Korea wishing him “all health and happiness” for Korea’s Liberation day

Česká společnost přátel Izraele Abbas-North-Korea Abbas sends telegram to leader of North Korea wishing him "all health and happiness" for Korea's Liberation day

Headline: “The [PA] president congratulates the leader of North Korea for Liberation Day”
“President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas today, Tuesday congratulated First Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea National Leadership Committee, and Supreme Leader of the Army Kim Jong-un for [Korea’s] Liberation Day.
The president said in a greeting telegram for the occasion that the Korean people sacrificed the most precious sacrifices for its freedom and honor, and expressed appreciation for the solidary and stable positions of Korea supporting the rights of our people and its just struggle to end the occupation and establish our independent state and its capital of East Jerusalem – the surest guarantee of realizing a just peace that all peoples of the region seek.
His Honor the president wished Leader Jong-un all health and happiness; the Korean people continued stability and prosperity; and that the historical friendly relations between Palestine and North Korea and their two peoples will continue to develop and grow.”
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