Fatah calls killing of 3 terrorists who were carrying out a terror attack a “war crime,” terrorists were killed “in cold blood”

Česká společnost přátel Izraele FeaturedImage_2015-10-02_Flash90_Fatah_Flag_F100106IR02 Fatah calls killing of 3 terrorists who were carrying out a terror attack a "war crime," terrorists were killed "in cold blood"

Headline: “Fatah: The execution of three young people in Jerusalem is a war crime”
“The Fatah Movement called on the entire world and its international institutions to condemn the war crime that the Israeli occupation forces committed on Friday [June 16, 2017] in Jerusalem, a short time before the meal to break the [Ramadan] fast, against three young Palestinians (i.e., terrorists, carried out stabbing and shooting attacks, murdering 1 Israeli policewoman). Fatah said in a press statement given by its spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi: ‘The silence of the international community in light of the continuation of the occupation and its crimes, which have not stopped for even one moment, encourages Israel to permit [the spilling of] Palestinian blood. The despicable crime that was committed today in cold blood and claimed the lives of three Palestinians is nothing but proof of that.’”
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