Jenin Municipality removes monument allegedly due to Israeli threats

Česká společnost přátel Izraele destroyed-Jenin-monument Jenin Municipality removes monument allegedly due to Israeli threats

Headline: “The Jenin Municipality removed the Martyr Khaled Nazzal monument after threats from the occupation authorities”
“The wife of Martyr (Shahid) Khaled Nazzal (i.e., terrorist, planned murder of 31), author Rima Kittaneh Nazzal, said in a phone call with Al-Ayyam that the Jenin Municipality removed the monument of her husband the Martyr yesterday [June 23, 2017], just one week after the municipality and district celebrated placing the monument… And returning to the page, he said that what happened was done after the matter had reached ‘the highest political echelons’ in the office[s] of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and [US President Donald] Trump, to the point that ‘the Israeli impudence’ reached the level of ‘sending a clear message to the PA that it must take down the stone on which the name of the Martyr was written,’ or else the occupation forces ‘would immediately destroy the entire square themselves with their bulldozers.’ Based on this, the decision was made in coordination with the Martyr’s brothers in Germany and Qabatiya to remove [the monument]… And returning to Jenin Mayor Abu Ghali’s statements: ‘The square still bears the name of Martyr Khaled Nazzal, and it will also continue to bear his name as the municipality council decided on that name.’”
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